Wear Blue for Dystonia Awareness Month — One Honest Indie
Hi everyone. Well, this month is Dystonia Awareness Month. I don’t know if you were aware of that. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but maybe not. Anyway, I’m wearing blue for dystonia.
There’s this whole thing, there’s a whole press release and everything about this, and of course I don’t have the information in front of me as I’m about as prepared as I ever am. That’s not really true. Yeah, if you go to the dystonia website, you can see, I’ll put a link in the section below in this video to the dystonia website that talks about dystonia awareness and where you can get information about it. I have a blog post on this, in fact. So maybe what I’ll do is just link you to the blog post. Yeah, that works. Also, there are these stickers and things you can get and some of them are free, so check it out.
I’ll include that as well. In any case, it’s Dystonia Awareness Month and I have dystonia, and one of the things I’ve discovered is that actually the idea that dystonia cannot make you get any worse or somehow make your body worse over time. Yeah, it does. It definitely does. And this will be obvious to people who see me when I go to the conference that’s coming up this weekend.
I’ve written all of one YA/middle grade novel, so take that for what that’s worth. But I have been doing a substantial amount of podcasting. That’s another thing. I can certainly talk about that with great authority. As for the middle grade. Well, I think I can talk about that too, but it’s going to be sort of interesting because, well that was just an interesting little deviation from what I usually do and I’d like to do more of it actually, and I think about it because there’s a lot of really great stuff out there for younger readers.
In any case, it is Dystonia Awareness Month and I just want you to be aware of that and to maybe support the cause if I get involved in fundraising, if there is any kind of virtual fundraising this year. That’s all. And I hope to see somebody, people I know at the upcoming conference and try not to be too freaked out about the condition of my horrible self. That part of my horrible self that you’re not seeing now. I’m acting like Tina in Uuuuuh. Bob’s Burgers. I’m going to start groaning. Anyway, that’s all. And I’ll talk to you later.
Patrick: Haven’t they killed you yet? (beat) Sorry. Must have been thinking of someone else.
Katherine: It’s so wild darling? It will end in tears!
Patrick: All the best parties do.
Katherine: Oh, he’s terrible! Ah ha ha ha!
Maniacal laughter continues in the BG. The party goes on.
Patrick: Terrible? It’s dreamy. This is a dreamy party!
Originally published at https://debbimackblogs.com on September 5, 2023.