There’s no way …
This discussion never really took place. That’s why they call it fiction.
Brown: Have you seen the show Imposters?
Orange: No. What’s it about?
Brown: It’s about a bunch of con artists, whose victims con their way toward getting payback.
Orange: Hmm. That sounds interesting.
Brown: It is, but then the show totally jumped the shark with its depiction of the FBI. I mean, what government official buys a ten thousand dollar ring for someone he knows is a con artist? Like he’s really gonna marry her? That’s her role in the conspiracy of cons. She marries people and takes their money, but she ends up conning her con companions. And the other conners end up with the ring, leaving the FBI chump holding the wrong bag.
Orange: Oh.
Brown: Sorry. Spoiler alert.
Brown: I really am sorry.
Orange: Perhaps the feds used the money they saved by not building a wall? And which cons did what to whom?
Brown: By the way, the feds also get to fly to wherever by what looks like a Learjet. As if!
Me: Hi there! 🙂 This is just a quick visit. Didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.
Orange: No worries. We were done.
Brown: Well, I could go on, but … never mind! 🙂
Just a quick post-script! 🙂
Internet/internet. Whatever. I guess a newspaper owned by the man who practically runs the Internet/internet, Jeff Bezos, can call it whatever they want.
Have you seen Sunday’s funnies? 🙂
Relax! It’s Prickly City.
Originally published at on August 15, 2022.