My Amazing Life Plan
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Okay, I recently stumbled across an article somewhere or other that invited me to envision how I would answer this question: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Here are a few things I’d like to do:
Nothing. Lie in bed for hours at a time doing lots of nothing for a long, long while. And either read a book or watch a movie or TV show. But only the ones I find amazingly awesome.
Go outside and look at the stars. And pay more attention to the beautiful sunsets, because I’ve missed too many. I’d go for sunrises, too, if they didn’t occur so damned early in the morning.
Drink coffee and pet my cat(s).
Be with my husband in mind, body, and spirit. Have real conversations, where he talks and I listen to him and vice versa.
Figure out what it means to “have a life.”
Travel. Anywhere pretty much.
Be glad I have what I do and quit whining about what I don’t.
Stop answering meaningless fucking questions and taking stupid online quizzes.
Oh, and … we are shooting for the moon here, right? 🙂
Find a miracle fucking cure for dystonia (and all other nasty conditions/illnesses/horrible things).
Be the first to win an Edgar Award for Best Mystery Novel by an Indie Author. After I convince Mystery Writers of America that indie authors are as real as any author with a traditional publisher.
And then, for my next magic trick, I shall …
Become a successful screenwriter/podcaster/producer. And write novels, too! And short stories. And blog posts.
Imagine whirled peas. And find the Question to the Answer posed in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Take all my awards and melt them down (Liar! You’d keep the Edgar and you know it, Mack!), then use the melted remains to construct something useful, like a rocket ship or a metal table or chair or a metal doormat or an award for simply living.
Drop dead at some point without pain or notice of death, to eliminate the agony (on everyone’s part) of caring for the near-empty shell of my body. Just not today, okay?
FYI, I have no plans to get a tattoo. I’m sure you’re just as thrilled to read that as I am to write it down! 🙂
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