Let the Sunshine In!
Admittedly, that headline betrays my old age maturity and memories of the Sixties! 🙂 Oh, well … In lieu of the usual Saturday fare, I’m blogging this! I hope the nominees will participate, but it’s not required, of course! Anyway, here’s my … um … contribution.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that I was nominated for one of these awards. I have to say I’m truly shocked, astonished, and grateful to be noticed at all in the rapidly-expanding universe of blogging.
And isn’t that the most awesome flower?
So … I’ll start off by thanking (ever so much) the most awesome Tony Self of The Self-Talk Show for honoring my bloggage. (Brilliant blog name, BTW, Tony. Seriously!)
And to those who are honored to be chosen by myself for this singular remarkable award, here are the rules:
- Embellish your blog with shinny (sp?) logo above.
- Give a bunch of thanks to the blogger who nominated you.
- Answer the 11 questions you have been asked.
- Give this shiny honor to other bloggers.
- Ask 11 questions.
Awesome, shiny flower logo now embellishing blog. Check.
Thank you again so much, Tony Self!!! (Is that your real name? Because it’s awesome.)
Answer questions:
1. How often do you have nasty thoughts and what are they about?
Me, nasty? I might poke fun at something, but I try to avoid nasty thoughts. BTW, define “nasty”.
Oh, wait. There’s this one thing/person I compared to … never mind …
Short answer: hardly ever and I don’t recall.
2. When was the last time you got into an argument with someone and what was the reason?
I go out of my way to avoid arguments. No one wins, and they’re a waste of time and effort. My last argument was probably with my husband. I’ve already forgotten when it was and what it was about. And he was probably right, whatever it was.
3. What is your opinion about death?
It’s hard to have an opinion about things of which I have no personal experience. I don’t want to die particularly, but I don’t think I’d want to live forever. Such an abundance of time would make it less precious.
Bad things about death: It seems so final and unfathomable and … final. Or it could be the beginning of … that’s the question.
On the other hand, it could just be restful.
4. How often do you argue with your own thoughts?
I’m not sure I argue with my thoughts, but I know I wrestle with them.
Sidebar: Is it wrestling if you don’t use your hands? How does one wrestle a thought? Am I arguing with my thoughts by asking random, free-associated questions?
Short answer: I have no idea.
5. What do you fantasize about?
Setting up a foundation to support research for a better understanding of post-stroke dystonia. (Okay, being magically cured would actually be my first choice. 🙂 )
6. What would you like to achieve with your blog?
Many things. I’ve always thought it would be cool to be a film reviewer. Because I do love movies. I want to talk about how films I grew up with affected me. Beyond that, I use my writing to let others know about movies they might not have seen. Or simply to connect with others who share a love or dislike of one or more films I’ve reviewed.
Compiling my reviews into ebooks is just icing on the cake.
7. What excites you the most?
Travel. Especially to new places.
8. What does success mean to you?
Getting up every day and doing the things that give me joy. Finishing a writing or other project and shoving it at sharing it with others.
And finally achieving some kind of work-life balance.
9. Who/what do you love the most?
My husband. And my family. Our cats. Creating stuff (written and otherwise). Laughing.
10. How would you describe your past?
Um … peculiar?
11. Which ones of your habits are the most hurtful for your future?
My occasional self-doubts about my abilities. Fear. (Are those habits? Maybe I shouldn’t ask so many questions.)
That’s it!
Short answer: questioning myself too much.
Now, here are the nominees! (Many of whom blog about movies. But some don’t.)
- B Noir Detour
- Big Travel Nut
- Eclipsed Words
- Reading, Writing and Stuff
- In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood
- Maddy Loves Her Classic Films
- Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar
- Screenwriting from Iowa
- Silver Screenings
- The Cinema Fix
- World O’Crap
And now for those of you who feel up to it, here are my 11 questions:
1. Why do you blog?
2. How do you manage your time while blogging and pursuing “little green pieces of paper”, i.e., money? (It’s Towel Day. I had to throw that reference in there.)
3. What’s the most important advice you can offer a person who’s just now starting a blog?
4. What are your five favorite movies at this moment? (Because, that’s impossible to answer for always. Right? Sorry about that. Well, okay, maybe not. 🙂 )
5. Vacation preferences: beach or mountains?
6. What kind of music do you like?
7. If you could meet anybody (alive or dead) for coffee (or tea), who would you most want to meet?
8. What’s your favorite food? (Blogger’s note: coffee and chocolate totally count.)
9. If you owned a time machine, what would you do with it?
10. Do you have a movie or show you watch when you need “comfort” entertainment and, if so, what is it? (No judgments here about your choice! If Die Hard or Goodfellas does it for you, so be it! 🙂 )
11. What in your opinion is the most overused buzzword these days? And is it “buzzword”? 🙂
I think that does it! Yay, made it through! 🙂
Have a great weekend, everyone!
And since it’s Memorial Day weekend here in the US of A. And at the risk of again showing my age … 🙂
Originally published at http://debbimacktoo.wordpress.com on May 25, 2019.