Lessons Learned from Seth Godin: Part Nine — One Honest Indie

Debbi Mack
2 min readMar 1, 2022


Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

I’m continuing on with this series of take-aways from Seth Godin’s blog posts. These are just my take on what he says.

About “When in doubt, look for the fear”

Bad actors are usually overcompensating for what they feel they lack.

Some people have made a lifetime commitment to doing that.

PS: I didn’t bother with the video, as I had no idea if the time limit had elapsed. Decision made.

Here’s a link to the source.

About “The Goldilocks fallacy”

Stop trying to please everyone with what you create. Writers hear this all the time, even as we’re advised to appease someone’s algorithms for greater (more widespread?) popularity. Not to mention all those damn surveys and all that damn A/B testing and beta readers we’re supposed to do/use/endure.

Sorry about the rant, but not really.

Here’s a link to the source.

About “All the answers”

It’s better to ask the right questions than have all the answers. So maybe we should figure out the right questions.

PS: The real answer, of course, is 42. 🙂

Here’s a link to the source.

About “On doing the reading”

Do the reading. And keep doing it even as you do the thing you read about. And keep doing that. Just do it.

Here’s a link to the source.

About “But of course”

When something becomes so clear you can’t deny it, the next step is respond appropriately.

Sometimes you have a breakthrough and you realize your purpose. Take the first step, no matter how small.

PS: Thank you, Seth!

Here’s a link to the source.

About “The chance you’ve been waiting for”

There are plenty of ways to make the world better. It’s up to you to figure out which problem to fix.

PS: As an aside, consider which problems you’d most enjoy fixing. Then, go to it.

Here’s a link to the source.

This series will take a brief break! 🙂

Originally published at https://debbimackblogs.com on March 1, 2022.



Debbi Mack

New York Times bestselling author of eight novels, including the Sam McRae Mystery series. Screenwriter, podcaster, and blogger. My website: www.debbimack.com.