Final Update for 2021 — One Honest Indie
Hi. Well, let’s see, it’s the end of the year. And so what I want to do is start establishing some new habits. Now it’s interesting that this coincides with the end of the year, because I always say, I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions and I don’t, but I do believe that you can change at any time.
And it just so happens to be at the end of the year that I’m thinking about this. So there <laugh>.
So without calling these New Year’s resolutions, I’m just going to say there are some steps I’m taking to try to improve my financial situation, my working situation, to have a better balance between work and life. All of those things. To take care of my health better, which is not in great shape anyway, having dystonia. But I’m doing okay, all things considered. So, with that in mind, I’m thinking about doing one of these 24/6 things where you just not do any social media or other unnecessary, you know, keep to a bare minimum, whatever technology you’re using to terms of online stuff.
I really would love to have an offline day is what it comes down to. So I’m thinking about that and how to structure my work over the days that I do have, things to do, regardless of what those things are, because they include personal as well as professional things. It has a big effect, but I am thinking about that. So I will probably at some point do that, and we’ll see how it goes. I’ll keep you updated on that as well as how things are going businesswise. To the extent I have a business at all. <laugh> Yeah. Okay.
That’s it then. Merry, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Whatever it is you celebrate, may it be happy. Happy holidays and happy new year to everybody. Take care. See you later.
Originally published at on December 28, 2021.