And here’s why nothing I blog will make a differenceYou know something? We’re all so busy losing our shit over the possible banning of TikTok, as well Elon Musk’s takeover of the government…Feb 10Feb 10
The Big Finish of ‘The Traveler’As I write this, I can assure you that change is currently in progress. I may not be a frog, but I’m in some kind of transition. Not…Jan 27Jan 27
‘Divest, ByteDance’ Said the TikTok Ban — The Wayward LawyerYou know, it’s interesting how this “TikTok ban,” is being covered in the press.Jan 23Jan 23
More Readings from ‘Range’ — One Honest IndieHey, I told you this is a great book, right? Well, I got to read you these passages because they’re just fantastic and very inspiring…Jan 21Jan 21
We Interrupt this Program to Bring You This …Sorry to interrupt the shitty first draft of the story about Marie, but this is relatively late-breaking news. That is to say, it was at…Jan 20Jan 20
The Traveler (Working Title)When we last left off, we asked the question, “Whatever Happened to Marie?”.Jan 13Jan 13
Whatever Happened to Marie?In all the excitement of the holidays, I forgot to get back to good old Marie.Jan 6Jan 6
Ready for a new year? — Debbi MackI don’t know about you, but I’m all in for something new and different this year. Like maybe making money as a writer. Hmm … ? 🙂Jan 1Jan 1
A Journey of a Thousand WordsTrigger warning: Just so you know, this post contains a possible trigger term. It’s a term that refers to a bus used by … special kids…Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
Published inMovie Lover’s Club‘Island of Terror’ (1966) (B-Movie Review) — Part ThreeA note from your friendly neighborhood blogger: Although I have in the past observed the holiday season by focusing on holiday movies…Dec 21, 2024Dec 21, 2024